24 Hour Helpline: 440-357-1018 / Business Line: 440-357-7321


Helping Survivors Rebuild Their Lives


Our team of registered family advocates provide peer support and coordinate community resources to help survivors rebuild their lives. Advocates assist to safety plan, establish individualized goals and facilitate referrals with other community partners. Following intake, survivors begin to define their own goals and advocates guide their path to freedom.

Court advocates assist with navigating the legal system and court processes by accompanying survivors to court, assisting with protection orders, explaining Ohio crime victim rights, utilizing Victims of Crime Compensation, registering for VINE (Victim Information Notification Everyday) and more. Advocates also assist with referrals for legal representation and provide emotional support to all victims of crime in Lake County.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a family advocate?

Forbes House each client is assisted by a family advocate to help empower and engage said client in their journey of healing.

The role of a family advocate is to partner with community organizations in the best interest of the client.

Receive the Help You Need!

Call: 440-357-1018

Forbes House Helpline is Available 24/7/365